Lozica Ivanović
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Born 30.05.1964. in Pristina, Serbia. Graduated, master and doctorate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac.
Research Interest
Mechanical constructions and mechanization
V. Lazić, S. Aleksandrović, D. Arsić, A. Sedmak, A. Ilić, M. Djordjević, L. Ivanović, THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE BASE MATERIAL (BM) AND WELDED JOINT (WJ) MADE OF STEEL S690QL, Metalurgija, Vol.55, No.2, pp. 213-216, ISSN 0543-5846, 2016
Lozica Ivanovic, Reduction of the maximum contact stresses by changing geometric parameters of the trochoidal gearing teeth profile, Meccanica, Vol.51, No.9, pp. 2243-2257, ISSN 0025-6455, Doi 10.1007/s11012-015-0356-0, 2016
Lozica Ivanovic, Goran Devedzic, Sasa Cukovic, Nenad Miric, Modeling of the Meshing of Trochoidal Profiles With Clearances, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.134, No.4, pp. 041003-1 / 041003-9, ISSN 1050-0472, Doi 10.1115/1.4005621, 2012