Marina SviÄevic
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She is working at the Institute of mathematics and informatics, University of kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Modeling and simulation
Boban S. Stojanovic, Marina R. Svicevic, Ana M. KaplarevicMalisic, Milos R. Ivanovic, Djordje M. Nedic, Nenad D. Filipovic and Srboljub M. Mijailovic, Coupling Finite Element and Huxley Models in Multiscale Muscle Modeling, 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Nov 0204, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia M.Grbović, E.Nešović and A. Pantić: On the second kind of twisted surfaces in Minkowski 3-space, International Electronic Journal of Geometry, Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015) 9-20.
A. KaplarevicMalisic, M. Ivanovic, B. Stojanovic, M. Svicevic, D. Antonijevic, Employing Phenomenological Model and Loadbalancing Optimization of Parallel Multiscale Muscle Simulations, 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Nov 02-04, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
Marina Svicevic, Srboljub M. Mijailovic, Miro Janco, Michael A. Geeves. Myosin Binding to Human Cardiac Thin Filaments Containing Tropomyosin Carrying DCM & HCM Mutations; Fitting of Complex Binding Transients. Biophysical Society, Vol. 106, Issue 2, Supplement 1, p769a, 28 January 2014