Milan Kocić
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Dr Milan Kocić was born on June 16, 1968. in Kragujevac. Elementary school, as in the first two years of the Gymnasium and the other two Economic years, finished in Kragujevac. Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Department of Finance and Accounting, enrolled in the school year 1988/89. years. Graduated on 26.11.1992. year with an average grade of 9.12. Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, direction Management of Principles and Practice, Department of Marketing, enrolled in the school year 1992/93. On the 11th of June 1999, he completed his master's thesis titled Identity and Image of the Company . In the position of trainee assistant at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, in the subject Marketing he was elected in 1995, and in 2009 as assistant professor. He defended the doctoral dissertation entitled Strategic Position of Direct Marketing in Integrated Communication on December 9, 2006. years. He was selected as an assistant professor in Marketing in June 2007. In addition to teaching in the Marketing subject, the Decision of the Teaching and Scientific Council is engaged in the teaching of subjects on Market Coming and Direct Marketing at basic studies, Marketing Management at Master Studies and Strategic Marketing at PhD studies. He is a member of the Serbian Association for Marketing and Promotion Team at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. He is a member of the Commission for Basic and Master Studies.
Research Interest
Marketing, Market communication, Marketing management, Web marketing