
Engineering Experts

Milan Vesković

Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Mr Milan Vesković was born on September 3, 1969. in Kraljevo, Republic of Serbia. He lives in Konjevići, municipality of Čačak. He finished elementary school and high school in Čačak. He graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad on March 11, 2002. At the Department of Electrical Engineering, in the direction of electronics and telecommunications with graduation thesis entitled "Realization of an active NF - filter with current transmissions", I gained the title of a graduated electrical engineer. Postgraduate studies enrolled in the school year 2005/2006. at the Technical Faculty in Cacak, where he passed all the exams stipulated in the curriculum in the direction of Elektrotehnika, the field of electromagnetics with an average grade of 10.00 (ten and 00/100). He is employed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak from 01.10.2007. year as an expert associate and since 17.04.2010. As an assistant to the Department of General Electrotechnics and Electronics on subjects: Basic Electrical Engineering 1, Basic Electrical Engineering 2, Theory of Electric Circuits and Fundamentals of Electronics, where he is now working. So far, there have been several published works at international and domestic conferences, as well as in international and domestic journals. The papers refer to the application of numerical methods in electromagnetics (the method of fictitious sources) for solving the electrostatic problems of the conductors, as well as on the processing of signals by current processing in the field of electronics. These two areas represent the main directions of his further training.

Research Interest

Theoretical and General Electrotechnics


  • M. Vesković , J. Živanić, V. Ostracanin , "Solution of Monitoring for Surge Arrestors", 15th International Scientific Conference, UNITECH 2015, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, November 20-21, 2015, Conference Proceedings ISSN: 1313-230X, pp I-227-I-230.

  • DJUKIĆ S., VEÅ KOVIĆ MD: "Model of the Operational Conveyor based on Current steering output stage", 51st International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 28-30, 2016,, pp. 9-12.

  • Papić M., Stanković N., Pantelić N., Vesković MD , "Analysis of some online educational resources in Serbia", 16th International Scientific Conference, UNITECH 2016, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, November 18-19, 2016, Conference Proceedings ISSN: 1313 -230X, pp. IV-268-IV-271.

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