Milica Cvijović
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She finished elementary school in Borov. Secondary Chemical Technical School in Osijek, Croatia 1967-1971. At the Agricultural and Food Technology Faculty in Osijek, the University of Osijek, graduated in 1976, in the direction of: Food Technology. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, 1983, direction: Applied Chemistry. She defended her doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kragujevac in 1991 and gained her scientific title: Doctor of Chemistry.Full professor Faculty of Agronomy, ÄŒaÄak, University of Kragujevac, Serbia since 2009. For the scientific field of chemistry
Research Interest
Јelena D. Mladenović, MaÅ¡ković Pavle Z., Pavlović RadoÅ¡ M., Radovanović Blaga C., Aćamović-Äoković Gordana, Cvijović Milica S. Antioxidant activity of ultrasonic extracts of leek Allium porrum L. Hem. Ind. 65 (4) 473–477, 2011
Pavle Z. Mašković, Nedeljko T. Manojlović, Anamarija I. Mandić, Aleksandra Č. Mišan, Ivan Lj. Milovanović, Marija M. Radojković, Milica S. Cvijović, Slavica R. Solujić, Phytochemical Screening and biological activity of extracts of plant species Halacsya sendtneri (Boiss.) Dörfl. Hem. Ind. 66 (1), 43–51, 2012
Andrija R. Ciric, Nevena Ivanovic, Milica S. Cvijovic, Milena Jelikic-Stankov, Ljubinka Joksovic & Predrag T. Djurdjevic, Chemometric-Assisted Optimization of RP-HPLC Method for Determination of Some Bioflavonoids in Brassica oleracea Species and Their Antioxidative Activity, Food Analytical Methods, vol. 7., br. 7., str. 1387-1399, 2014.