
Business & Management Experts

Mirjana Todorović

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


She was born on February 13, 1979. in Cuprija. She finished elementary school in Končare, and the secondary economic and trade school in Jagodina, with great success. The Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, Department of Accounting and Finance, finished with an average grade of 8.94. During the course of the study she was awarded several times on the occasion of the Faculty's day, and as an absolute he received the awards from the Government of the Republic of Serbia. She completed her postgraduate studies in the field of Financial and accounting analysis at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, and passed the exams prescribed by the curriculum with an average grade of 9.33. The master thesis entitled Integrated Cost Accounting by Activities as a Product of Contemporary Information Systems, was defended in 2010. Doctoral dissertation on the topic "Cost calculation by time-based activities" - an integrated management instrument for business processes, she defended on 03.06.2013. year, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. Upon completion of the basic studies, she established a working relationship (for a period of 6 months) at the Delta Bank in Jagodina, as an associate in the field of dinar and foreign exchange operations and internal accounting of the bank. Since 01.11.2004. She is employed at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac. Coordinator and implementer of the program of continuous professional development of teachers, educators, professional associates of secondary schools titled "Impact of group characteristics on the effects of active and cooperative learning", which was approved by the Institute for the Promotion of Education and Upbringing. She was a member of the team on the project "Improving the skills of reading and writing students at the Universities in Serbia" funded by the American Council and "Establishing a Student Advisory Center and Career Leadership at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac", funded by the US Embassy. She was also engaged in several projects of applied research. In June 2010, in Nis, she participated in the Academic Skills Trainings, organized by the Consulting Bureau for International Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia. She participated in several trainings and workshops: public appearance, coaching, use of SPSS, prudence platform and improvement of pedagogical competences of university teachers. In April 2012 she was a guest researcher at the University of Ghent, Belgium, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Research Interest

Managerial Accounting, Strategic Management Accounting, Integrated Cost Management

Global Experts from Serbia and Montenegro

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