Mirko Radulović
Assistant Professor
Institute of Physics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He is assistant professor of physics working at the Institute of Physics, University os Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Theoretical physics, the subatomic atomic, molecular and optical physics, more specifically the ADC theory of the interaction of strong laser fields with atomic systems.
VM Ristic, MM Radulovic and TB Miladinovic, "Stern-Gerlach Experiment's Interpretations and Noether's Theorem" , International Journal of Theoretical Physics , Vol. 50 , no. 11 , 3602-3609 (2011);
MM Radulović , JM Stevanović, TB Miladinović and VM Ristić, "The Role of the Non-Zero Initial Momentum and Modified Ionization Potential in the Corrected Ammos-Delone-Krainov Theory" , Journal of Physics , Vol. 58 , no. 1-2 , 127-135 (2013);
VM Ristic, MM Radulovic , TB Miladinovic and JM Stevanovic, "Getting Deeper Insight Into Stopping Power Problems in Radiation Physics Using the Noether's Theorem Corollary" , Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection , Vol. 29 , No. 1 1 , 24-27 (2014)