Miroslav Živković
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Born 23.03.1962. in Kragujevac, Serbia. He graduated, received his master's degree and received his PhD at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac.
Research Interest
Applied mechanics, Applied informatics and computer engineering
Kojić M., Vlastelica I. and Živković M., Implicit stress integration procedure for small and large strains of the Gurson material model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.53, No.12, pp. 2701-2720, ISSN 0029-5981, Doi 10.1002 / nme.410, 2002
Živković M., Kojić M., Slavković R. and Grujović N., A general beam finite element with deformable cross-section, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.190, No.20-21, pp. 2651-2680, ISSN 0045-7825, 2001
JoviÄić G., Živković M., Kojić M., Vulović S., A Numerical Procedure for the Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors and Its Use for Life Assessment of Steam Turbine Housing of the Thermal Power Plant, From Fracture Mechanics to Structural Integrity Assessment , Belgrade, 2003