Mitrovski-bogdanović Ana Ana
Assistant Professor
Institute of Biology and Ecology
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She is working as assistant professor Zoology of invertebrate, Entomology, Ecology of insects Molecular methods in entomology at the institute of biology and ecology, Serbia.
Research Interest
Taxonomy, phylogeny
Mitrovski-Bogdanović, A. , Tomanović, Ž., Mitrović, M., Petrović, A., Ivanović, A., Žikić, V., Starý, P. and Vorburger, C. (2014) The Praon dorsale-yomenae s . p. complex (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): species discrimination using geometric morphometrics and molecular markers with a description of a new species. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 253: 270-282.
Petrović, A., Tomanović, Ž., Kavallieratos, N. G., Mitrovski-Bogdanović, A. , Starý, P. and Ivanović, A. (2014) Sexual Dimorphism in the Parasitoid Wasps Aphidius balcanicus, Aphidius rosae , and Aphidius urticae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 107 (5): 1027-1032.
Petrović, A., Mitrović, M., Ivanović, A., Žikić, V., Kavallieratos, NG, Stary, P., Mitrovski-Bogdanović, A. , Tomanović, Ž. Vorburger, C. (2015) Genetic and morphological variations in sexual and asexual parasitoids of the genus Lysiphlebus - an apparent link between wing shape and reproductive mode. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15: 5.