Nebojša Mitrović
Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He is working as professor at the faculty of technical science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
MariÄić A, M. Spasojević, A. Kalezić-GliÅ¡ović, L. Ribić-Zelenović, S. Djukić, N. Mitrović, "The stress effect on electrical resistivity sensitivity of FeBSiC amorphous ribbon", Sensors and Actuators: A Physical, Vol. 174 (2) (2012) 103–106.
L. Ribić-Zelenović, N. Ćirović, M. Spasojević, N. Mitrović, A. MariÄić, V. Pavlović, "Microstructural Properties of Electrochemically Prepared Ni-Fe-W Powders", Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 135 (2012) 212-219.
N. Mitrović, S. Kane, S. Roth, A. Kalezić-Glišović, C. Mickel and J. Eckert, "The precipitation of nanocrystalline structure in the Joule heated Fe72Al5Ga2P11C6B4 metallic glasses", Journal of Minning and Metalurgy, Section B, Vol 48 (2) B (2012)