Nebojša Pavlović
Assistant Professor
Hotel Management and Tourism
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He is working as assistant professor at the Institute of Hotel and Tourism, University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
Research Interest
Entrepreneurship and management, Human Resources Management, Management, Organizational culture
Pavlovic N., OljaÄa M & Kosanovic M. (2011) Integration of leadership styles of school director, AJBM- African Journal of Business Management, Academic Journals, Vol.5 No23, (2011) .pp. 9871-9876. (ISI INDEXED JOURNAL; IMPACT FACTOR 1.105) [ISSN 1993-8233 DOI: 10.5897 / AJBM11.983]
Pavlović N, OljaÄa M. (2011) Impact of personal variables of teachers on organizational climate, International Journal of Educational Administration (IJEA), RIP Research India Publications, (Volume 3 No 2-pp 153-170) (EBSCO database, CSA, SCOPUS, Elsevier database, JournalSeek) ISSN 0976-5883
Pavlovic N. (2013) Influence of the School Principal style on teachers' satisfaction Metalurgia International Vol. XVIII, No. 5-2013, 200-205 [ISSN 1582-2214].