
Business & Management Experts

Neda Nikolić

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Dr. Neda Nikolic was born on 19.05.1975. in Obrenovac. She finished elementary school in Lučani, as the holder of the Vuk's diploma. She finished her high school "Sveti Sava" with great success in Požega, and then in 2000 she graduated from the Faculty of Management in Belgrade, with a mean score of 9.36. School 2005/2006. she enrolled in Master studies at the Faculty of Technology in Cacak and successfully mastered the exams envisaged in the curriculum with a mean grade of 9.50. She defended her master's thesis in January 2009 and gained her title: Master of Engineering, Industrial Management. She defended her doctoral dissertation in September 2016 at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade. Since 2000, she has worked as a manager in a recycling company and as a professor of economic group of subjects at the high school in Lučani, and since 2004.Spirit Evolution in Arilje. She has been engaged at the Technical Faculty in Cacak since 2006. During the school year 2007/2008. she was an associate at the Department of Industrial Management for carrying out exercises from the narrow scientific field Entrepreneurial Economy. In June 2008, she was elected as associate in teaching from the narrow scientific field of Management and Business, and from September 1, 2010, the decision of the Teaching and Scientific Council no. LXXII-2058/8 to date, she is employed as an assistant for a narrow scientific field of Management and Business. She is a member of the Teaching and Science Council of FTN Cacak and the Secretary of the Department of Industrial Management. Member of the Commission for Self-Evaluation since 2009 and the Commission for the FTN Čačak Library.

Research Interest

Management and Business


  • Nikolić N. , Gajović A., Paunović V. (2015): Human resources of local governments as motivators of the participation of businesses and citizens in the protection of the environment , International Scientific Journal "Innovation Science" , Ufa, (No12 / 2015), pp.11-17. International Scientific Journal "Innovation Science" is included in the Russian Scientific Census Index

  • Николић, Н. , Zecevic, M., Cvijovic, N. (2013) Brand Management In Textile Industry; Metalurgia International 2013. (No. 1), p. 117-122,

  • Nikolić N. , Zečević M., Effectiveness of Raw Materials Repeated Processing by Application of Sustainable Development Strategy in Lucani; Metalurgia International 2012. (No 10): 145-149

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