
Business & Management Experts

Nemanja Lojanica

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Born 04.02. 1988 in Kragujevac. He finished elementary school and First Kragujevac Gymnasium in Kragujevac. The Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac, the stock exchange and stock exchange operations ended in 2011 with an average score of 9.63. Master's degree at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, at the study program Ekonomija, has completed passing exams with an average grade of 9.60. Master work under the heading Concentration of economic activities as a consequence of the globalization process has been "praised" in 2013, During the primary and master studies, he was awarded several times by the Faculty, the Belgrade Stock Exchange, the Association of Serbian Banks, and he received the scholarship from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Dositeja) and the Fund "Academician Dragoslav Srejović". He was also a participant in international student conferences at the International Dimensions in Economics (University of Lodz 2012), the International Scientific Conference (Cracow University of Economics 2013), an international summer school organized by the University of Graz (Leadership and Education: The future of Europe? "- University of Graz, Leibnitz 2012), as well as the project" The role of a stock exchange in transition economies "(Cracow University of Economics, University of Kragujevac, University in Ivano-Frankivsk). During his master's degree, he completed his practice at ProCredit Bank, In 2013, the National Economy and the Fundamentals of Macroeconomics were selected as teaching associates in teaching courses. He knows his work on the computer, and he stayed on improving the English language in Malta (EEC Language Center) and possesses a certificate of advanced knowledge of English language.

Research Interest

National economy, The basics of macroeconomics, Globalization and transition

Global Experts from Serbia and Montenegro

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