Nenad Jankovic
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Nenad Jankovic was born on August 23, 1977. in Kragujevac. He finished elementary school in Kragujevac, as the holder of the diploma "Vuk Karadzic". The first Kragujevac gimmium ended with great success. Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Department of Management, enrolled in academic 1996/1997. years. He graduated on November 9, 2001. with an average score of 8.88 (eight and 88/100). He graduated with a degree in the International Finance subject on the subject: "EURO-money from a united Europe", with a score of 10 (ten). Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Department of International Economics, enrolled in academic 2001/2002. years. The exams envisaged by the Curriculum passed with an average grade of 9.33 (nine and 33/100). Dana 10.11.2009. He publicly defended a master thesis titled "The European Union's Impact on World Trade". He started the procedure of defense of the doctoral dissertation under the title: "The influence of the exchange rate on the export competitiveness". From 1.4.2002. He was employed at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac, first as an assistant-trainee (until 15.4.2010), and currently as an assistant (from 15.4.2010) at the International Finance course. During the summer of 2010, he was a participant of UNCTAD's 19th Regional Course: Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda, to 6.8.2010. held in Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan. In addition to continuing with scientific and pedagogical training, he is involved in other activities relevant for the functioning of the Faculty - he has been a member of the commission for conducting the entrance exam at the Faculty for several years, the decisions of the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac no. 3165/12 of 11.12.2009. year and no. 3280 / IV-4 of 28.11.2012. He was elected a member of the Council of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac in two terms and is a member of the Management Board of the small football club Ekonomac. Speaks and serves English. The paper uses the Windows operating system and the programming languages: Word, Excel and Access. The fields of scientific interest are: international economics, international finance, exchange rate, exchange rate regimes, exchange rate changes, economic policy of the European Union and foreign trade.
Research Interest
Foreign exchange rate policy and balance of payments, International business financing, International Finance