Nevena Manojlović
Hotel Management and Tourism
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Nevena Manojlovic was born on 17.05.1988. in Paracin. She finished elementary school and gymnasium in Paracin. The Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac enrolled in the school year 2007/08, and she graduated on 10.10.2013. On the study program of the Integrated Academic Studies of Medicine, she gained the professional title of Doctor of Medicine. Doctoral studies enrolled in the school year 2013/14, at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac - study program Experimental and Clinical Internal Medicine. She is currently in the stage of selecting topics for his doctoral dissertation. During 2013, she completed her internship at the Clinical Center Kragujevac. She has several certificates of successfully completed medical training.
Research Interest
Fundamentals of health tourism, internal Medicine
Živanović, S. and Manojlovic, N. (2015). Definition and concepts of wellness, Management in hospitality and tourism, Vol. 4 No. 1, p. 74-82.
Petrović, D., Äukić-Dejanović, S., Radmanović, B. and Manojlovic, N. (2015). Psychiatrist as a member of the team in the treatment of oncological patients. 40th October Health Days, Serbian Medical Association - District Branch Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 29-31. October. A copy of the paper was published in a special issue of the Medical Journal vol. 49 (Supplement 1), 19-20.