
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Nikola Bokan

Associate Professors
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Nikola Bokan is employed at the Faculty of Agriculture since 01.03.1990. year, as an assistant trainee for General Planting and Fodder Crops. After the appointment to the title of assistant professor, 01.07.1998. He assumes all teaching obligations for subjects General General Studies of Basic Studies and Agroecology of Postgraduate Studies. In the title of associate professor for the science field of Agriculture, he was elected on October 14, 2005. years. He was a member of the commission for the assessment and defense of a large number of diploma papers, a specialist and two master's theses, as well as a member of the evaluation committee for the submission of a doctoral dissertation. Except in the teaching process, he participated several times in organizational and program boards of professional and scientific meetings. From the founding is an active member of the Ecological Society Čačak and the Association for Organic Food Production Biokodeks. During his many years of teaching and scientific research, Nikola Bokan actively participated in the planning, establishment and monitoring of a large number of experiments, which resulted in numerous diploma and specialist papers, master theses and doctoral dissertations, defended at the agricultural faculties in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the founding of his employment, he has been involved in scientific research projects, for which today, due to published works, he possesses an appropriate index of scientific competence.

Research Interest

 Food technology, Agriculture


  • Bokan, N., Mandić, L., MadiĆ Milomirka, Paunović, A .: The importance of proper care and the use of manure in the production of health-safe food. IV International eco-conference, Novi Sad, Proceedings I, 273-278, 2006

  • Paunovic, A., Madic Milomirka, Knezevic, D., Nikola, B .: Sowing density and nitrogen fertilization influences on yield components of barley. Cereal Research Communications, Vol. 35, No. 2, 901-904, 2007.

  • Bokan, N., Dugalić, G., Paunović, A., Madić Milomirka: Importance of agro-technical measures for mitigation of climate restrictions in dry cropping. Biotechnology Counseling, Proceedings, Vol. 13. (14), 111-118, 2008

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