Olga Ristić
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Dr Olga Ristic (girlfriend Robajac), was born on October 11, 1974. in ÄŒaÄak. She graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak in 1997 on the direction of Tehnka and Informatics with an average grade of 8.54. The diploma work titled "Quality and reliability of software from the aspect of international standards ISO 9000" defended the grade 10 and gained the title of professor of technology and informatics. She defended her master's thesis entitled "Program mechanical testing of the elements of the long-distance network" in 2006 at the same faculty, with an average grade of 10 during master's studies, and received a masters degree in technical sciences. The doctoral dissertation entitled "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Preventive Exploitation Activities in Reliability Analysis of Electrical Equipment" was defended on September 23, 2016. year. at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak.
Research Interest
Applied Computer Science and Informatics
Ristić Olga, Marić A., Milunović S .: Management of maintenance of production systems - modeling and simulation of maintenance costs of production lines, IMK - 14 Research and development, Journal of the Institute IMK "14. October "Kruševac, No. 40, 3/2011. ISSN 0354-6829, p. 37-40
Milunović S., Marić A., Ristić O .: Structure of quality function in the product development project: traditional and fuzzy access, IMK-14 Research and development, year XVII, Number (41), 4/2011, 69-76.
Maric A., Ristic O., Curovic D., Milunovic S., Djordjevic Lj. : Quality improvement of critical modules in the logistics processes, Metalurgia International, No. 5, 2013, ISSN 1582 - 2214, pp. 126-130.