Rade Vignjevic
Visiting professor
Faculty of Engineering
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Twenty years experience of lecturing and conducting research in the field of applied mechanics. Head of the Crashworthiness, Impact & Structural Mechanics Group (CCISM) which provides expertise in development and application of simulation tools and in experimental techniques for testing of structures and materials under static and dynamic loading.
Research Interest
Research interests are focused on finite element (FE) and meshless methods for nonlinear mechanics problems, such as collapse of thin walled beams, buckling of thin walled structures, high/hyper velocity impact on structures and in general processes with severe deformations. The majority of research in the field of aircraft and automotive crashworthiness and, velocity impact on spacecraft and defense is industrially sponsored.
I. Romero, R. Vignjevic: Deployable Space Manipulator Closed-Loop Control, Ideas and Possibilities of using GPS as a sensor, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 30-2, pp 419-429, 2002
R. Vignjevic, M. Meo: A New Concept of a Helicopter Sub-Floor Structure Crashworthy in Impacts on Water and Rigid Surfaces, International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 7-3, pp 321-331, 2002
R. Vignjevic, N. K. Bourne, J. C. F. Millett, and T. De Vuyst: Effects of Orientation on the Strength of the Aluminum Alloy 7010-T6 During Shock Loading: Experiment And Simulation, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 92 - 8, pp. 4342-4349, 2002