
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Radojica D. Djokovic

University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Primary school and gymnasium are finished with King. Veterinary Faculty in Belgrade enrolled in school in 1982/83 and graduated in 1989 with a grade of 8.39. 3. 01.1990. In the same year he enrolled postgraduate studies, the direction of morphology and physiology of domestic animals at the Veterinary Faculty in Belgrade. The master's thesis titled: "Investigation of the influence of propionate on the functional state of the cornea of ​​the adrenaline and endocrine pancreas in healthy cows and cows suffering from ketosis" was defended on 3.6.1993. at the Veterinary Faculty in Belgrade. After defended master thesis, Radojica Đoković was elected as assistant to the Faculty of Agriculture in Čačak for the subject Anatomy and physiology of domestic animals. Doctoral dissertation titled "Lipid, triiodothyronine, thyroxine.

Research Interest

 Agronomy and agriculture


  • Djoković R.,Cincović M.,Kurćubić V., Petrović M.,Lalović M.,JaÅ¡ović B., Stanimirović Z. (2014):Endocrine and metabolic status of dairy cows during transition period.Thailand Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol 44, No 1, 59-66.(M 23).

  • Davidov I., Cincović M.,Belić B.,Popović-VranjeÅ¡ A., Pejanović R., Đoković R., Ristić Z.,DoÅ¡enović M. (2014): Influence of blood serum selenium on udder health in dairy cows. Mljekarstvo, 64, No3, 178-185. Croatia, (M23),UDK:636.2.045

  • Djoković R., Kurćubić V., Ilić Z. (2014): Blood serum levels of macro and micronutrients in transition and full lactation cows. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20, No 3,715-720.Bulgaria, (M23), ISSN 1310-0351.

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