
Business & Management Experts

Slavica Jovetic

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Born on 3.3.1952. in Kragujevac, where she finished elementary school and gymnasium. She graduated in 1975 in the Department of Statistics and Cybernetics at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. She defended her master thesis under the title Needs Research and Analysis of Demand for Durable Consumer Goods in 1983 at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and obtained her title as a M.Sc. in Statistics. She defended her doctoral dissertation entitled Analysis and Prediction of Demand for Durable Consumables in 1991 at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and she received a doctorate in statistical science. She was trained as a trainee assistant in the course of teaching in Statistics in 1975. She also conducted the exercises on the subject Ekonometrija. She was elected assistant professor in the Econometrija course in 1991. She was elected as an associate professor on the same subject in 1997. Since 1999 she has also been subject to the Operational Management course. She was selected as a full-time professor in the subject of Statistics in 2005, and since 2007 she has been teaching subjects: Quality Management and Quality Management. At the doctoral level, he teaches the subject of Quantitative Methide in economics and management. She has conducted several study stays: at the Technical University of Dresden; at the Economic Academy in Krakow; in Berlin at the Goethe Institute; the Goethe Institute in Bonn and the University of Paderborn; at Karl Franzens University of Graz. Since she was engaged in the Tempus III project, coordinated by KMU Institute from Paderborn, BRD and Karl Franzens University of Graz, she has been on a study visit several times in Graz and Paderborn. As a representative of the University of Kragujevac, she was engaged in (2002) for SME development projects financed by UNOPS, Reggio Emilia, Italia, where she had a study stay in this city. It has a Goethe Institute certificate for German. In addition to German, it also serves English. It also has the following certificates: International Certificate of the University of Paderborn for providing consulting services in the field of institution development, which contribute to the development of SMEs and the development of SMEs; International Quality Management Expert, ENTRANSE - The Gataway to Entrepreneurship, SINTEF, Norwegian Gowernment; Certificate of the World Bank and SEED for the field of modern knowledge transfer and training of development management personnel and European Computer Driving License - ECDL Certificate. Her research relates to the introduction, maintenance and improvement of quality management system in accordance with the principles and criteria of the ISO 9000 and TQM standards.

Research Interest

Quality management, Applied statistics

Global Experts from Serbia and Montenegro

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