Snežana Ljubisavljević
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Born 03.10.1963. in Uzice Pozega. She graduated from Primary and Secondary Economics School in Kragujevac. The Faculty of Economics in the University of Kragujevac graduated in 1987 with an average grade of 9.42. During her studies, she was awarded several times as the best student generation. In the title of assistant-trainee, the thesis Theory and Balance Analysis was selected in 1988. She completed her postgraduate studies, Business Economics course, Financial Accounting Analysis, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, and passed the exam with an average grade of 9.50. In 1992, she defended the master thesis under the title Methodological problems of compiling and reading reports on capital flows . She was elected as an assistant in 1994. She also conducted exercises in the subject Control and Audit. The doctoral dissertation titled The Role of External Auditor in the Environment was defended in 2000. In 2000 she was elected lecturer in the subject Control and Auditing. She also taught at the Special Accounting and Accounting Department of Financial Organizations. In the title of Associate Professor, on the subject Audit of Financial Statements, she was elected in 2007 and in the same title re-elected in 2012. She was a mentor or member of the commission for the assessment and defense of several master papers, master theses and doctoral dissertations. It has over 50 published scientific and professional papers. He is a participant of several projects in the field of basic research organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The field of applied research and professional work includes the current problem of conducting professional practice in the field of audit of financial statements of companies and audit of projects. As the head of the team, she audited the financial statements of 5 companies in the RS, which resulted in the preparation of 15 audit reports (in the period from 2000 to 2005). She participated in the audits of over 50 projects donated from the EU (in the period from 2006 to 2013). He is a member of the Scientific Society of Economists of Serbia, the Association of Economists of Serbia, the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Serbia and the International Federation of Accountants. It has a certified auditor's certificate. Serves English and Russian.
Research Interest
Audit of financial statements, Internal control and revision, Specific areas of audit of financial statements