Snežana Marković
Assistant Professor
Institute of Biology and Ecology
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
She is currently working as assistant professor at Institute of biology and ecology.She is actively engaged in scientific research in the field of Biology. The total number of bibliographic units is over 200, of which 72 are printed and extenso in scientific journals. An active participant in the reform and harmonization of the study programs of biology (molecular biology) and ecology with Bologna principles. Head of European FP7 (206809) and national project III41010 (2011-2016).
Research Interest
Physiology of animals and humans and molecular biology
Marković SD , DjaÄić DS, Cvetković DM, Obradović AD, Žižić JB, Ognjanović BI, Å tajn AÅ . Effects of acute in vivo cisplatin and selenium treatment on hematological and oxidative stress parameters in rats. Biol Trace Elem Res 2011, 142: 660-670. ISSN : 0163-4984.
Mitrović T, Stamenković S, Cvetković V, ToÅ¡ić S, Stanković M, Radojević I, Stefanović O, ÄŒomić Lj, ÄaÄić D, ĆurÄić M, Marković S. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of five lichen species. Int J Mol Sci 2011, 12 (8): 5428-5448; ISSN : 1422-0067
ĆurÄić MG, Stanković MS, Mrkalić EM, Matović ZD, Banković DD, Cvetković DM, ÄaÄić DS, Marković SD. Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activity of methanolic extracts from Ligustrum vulgare L. as an individual treatment and in combination with palladium complex. Int J Mol Sci 2012 13 (2): 2521-2534. ISSN : 1422-0067