
Business & Management Experts

Veljko Aleksić

Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Born in Cacak. He graduated from the Vuk Karadzic Primary School in Cacak as a student of the generation, the holder of the diploma "Vuk Karadzic" and "Mihailo Petrovic - Alas". He graduated from the Technical School (direction Elektrotehničar automatike) in Čačak as a student of the generation, the holder of the diploma "Vuk Karadžić". The Faculty of Engineering in Cacak enrolled in the direction of Technique and Informatics. He graduated with an average grade of 9.59 and a score of 10 in the Final Work, and thus he received the title Professor of Technology and Informatics. The final work was done in the subject of the Methodology of Informatics titled " Application of Hypermedia in Informatics Education ". He was declared the best student of the generation and as the best graduate student he received the awards from the "Dr. Milivoje Urošević" Foundation. He studied at the Technical Faculty in Cacak, in the direction of Technique and Informatics. He graduated with an average grade of 10.00 and a grade of 10 at the Graduate-Master's degree and thus obtained his Master's degree in Technology and Informatics. Master work was done in the subject Dokimology titled " Evaluation of Standards in Technical and Informatics Education ". Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, enrolled in the direction of the Methodology of IT teaching. He has a doctoral degree with an average grade of 10.00 and thus attains the title Doctor of Science - teaching methodology. The doctoral dissertation was defended by the title "The connection of playing digital games with the profile of multiple intelligences of students of higher grades of primary school ".

Research Interest

Methodology, pedagogical-technical sciences


  • Papić, Ž., Aleksić, V. , Kuzmanović, B. (2015). Application of information and communication technologies in the teaching process. Learning and teaching, 1 (3), p. 587-602. ISSN: 2466-2801

  • Aleksić, V. , Damnjanović, Đ. (2012). Knowledge management through blended learning. Metalurgia international, 17 (7), pp. 194-197. ISSN: 1582-2214

  • Stankovic, N., Besic, C., Papic, M., Aleksic, V. (2011). The evaluation of the use of mind maps in teaching. Technics technologies education management - TTEM, 6 (2), pp. 337-343. ISSN: 1840-1503

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