Vesna Janjić
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Born 01.10.1964. in Racia. Primary and Secondary School (Economic-Commercial) graduated in Racia with great success. School 1983/84. She enrolled as a full-time student at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac in the Department of Financial and Accounting, where she graduated in 1987 with an average grade of 9.1. At the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, she has been employed since February 15, 1991. year, when she was selected as an assistant trainee in the subject Costing Systems Systems - Management Accounting. From academic 2006/07. In the same year, he is also practicing exercises in the Accounting of Costs course. In addition to these cases, she was hired until 2007 to carry out the exercises and on the subject Special Accounts - Accounting of Financial Organizations. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade - Department of Financial and Accounting Analysis, academic 1991/92. years. The exams envisaged by the Curriculum, passed with an average grade of 9.25. She defended the master thesis titled "Calculation at standard costs as the information basis of the managerial function of the company" in 1995 at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and received the title of Master of Economic Sciences. Doctoral dissertation entitled " Kaizen Costing - Management Accounting Concept, System and Technique in Function of Cost Leadership Strategy"She defended on 04.06.2010. at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. Since 2010, in the capacity of teachers, she has been teaching classes in Accounting of Costs, Management Accounting and Accounting Information Systems since 2012 and on Performance Management at Master Academic Studies, and from 2013 on the subject Integrated Cost Management at Doctoral Academic Studies . The participant has several projects, and besides master's thesis and doctoral dissertation published a textbook, a number of scientific and expert papers in magazines in the field of accounting, in monographs and proceedings. The author is a paper for several symposiums in the field of accounting. Speaks Russian and I speak English. The paper uses the Windows operating system and the Word and Excel programming language as well as Internet communications. Faculty of Economics, tel. 034 / 303-500 ž.r. 840-570666-83
Research Interest
Managerial Accounting, Accounting Costs, Strategic Management Accounting