
Business & Management Experts

Vesna Stojanović-aleksić

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


She was born on December 18, 1970. in Paracin. She graduated from the Primary and Secondary Economics School as a double holder of the diploma Vuk Karadžić and a pupil of the generation. Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, Department of Marketing, entered the school1989 / 90. She graduated in February 1994 with an average grade of 9.18, as a student of the generation of Marketing direction. For the success achieved during the course of the studies, she has been awarded several times by the Faculty, and she is also a recipient of the University Degree and Prize awarded to students with the highest average grade. Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, the MSc course, Management Profile and Organizational Education, finished with an average grade of 10. She received the (1997) award of the Government of the Republic of Serbia as one of the best postgraduates in the Republic of Serbia. The master thesis entitled Organizational transformation of enterprises through reengineering was defended in 1999. In the capacity of assistant-trainee in the Organization of Enterprise case, she was elected in 1995 and in 2000 she was selected as an assistant in the same subject. The doctoral dissertation titled Leadership in Organizational Changes of Enterprises was defended on January 12, 2006. 12.6 was selected as assistant professor on the organization of the company. In the same year, she was engaged in teaching and human resources management. She has been engaged in graduate academic studies for the teaching of Organizational Behavior, and on doctoral studies in Theory of Leadership. The title of the associate professor was elected on February 20, 2013. years.

Research Interest

Organization of the company, Organizational behavior, Leadership and Organizational Changes

Global Experts from Serbia and Montenegro

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