Violeta Domanović
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
Violeta M. Domanovic was born on 24.12.1974. in Krusevac. She finished elementary school in Žabar, the municipality of Kruševac, and the secondary economic-trade school, direction Commercial technician, in Kruševac with great success and as the holder of the Vuk's diploma. The basic studies of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac, Department of Economic Statistics and Informatics, finished with an average grade of 10. Master studies, Department of Management, educational direction Management and Organizations, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, finished with an average grade of 10. The Master thesis under title: The economic effects of alternative strategies of the company was defended in 2002 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. Doctoral dissertation titled:Harmonized results list and management based on activities in the function of improving the efficiency of the company was defended in 2009 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. For the achieved success during the studies she was rewarded by the Faculty, and she was also the winner of the University Award as a student of the generation. She was also a scholarship holder of the Fund for Encouraging the Development of Young Talents and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia. At the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, he was engaged in Business Economics and Microeconomics courses since 1997, in various titles: associate without associate degree (1997-1998), assistant-trainee (1998-2002), assistant (2002-2009). The title of assistant professor on the same subjects was selected in 2010. She was a researcher on the basic research project Development of Corporate Governance in Transition Economies (1476), funded by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection. During 2003 she was engaged in the projectCost allocation by cost centers of Zastava Energetika - Kragujevac , under the auspices of the German consulting company Energy & Utility Consulting, Dr. Bernd Kalkum. From academic 2008/2009.
Research Interest
Economics of the company, Measurement of performance and control systems, Theory of Corporate Governance