Violeta Jakovljevic
Scientific associate
Institute of Biology and Ecology
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He is working at the University of kragujevac, Serbia. The subject of his scientific research is the degradation of anionic and non-ionic components of commercial detergent "Meriks" (Henkel, Kruševac) by the action of filamentous fungi isolated from sewage and industrial wastewater, with the aim of their potential application in bioremediation. Along with biodegradation, the effect of said detergent on the activity and stability of extracellular enzymes (protease, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, invertase, nucleoside) was examined for their potential application in various fields of industry. Research has also been extended to the study of secondary metabolites of fungi and plants, in order to evaluate their antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal activity, as well as the cytotoxic effect.
Research Interest
Jakovljevic VD and Vrvic MM Potential of Penicillium cyclopium Westling for the removal of anionic surfactants and biotechnology. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2015, Vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 704-711. DOI: 10.1134 / S000368381506006X ISSN: 0003-6838
Jakovljević VD, Milićević J.M, Vrvić MM, Äelić GR Antioxidant activity of Ruscus species from Serbia; Potential new sources of natural anti-oxidants. Chemical industry , 2016 71, 1, 99-106. DOI: 10.2298 / HEMIND140830013J
Jakovljevic Violeta D., Stojanovic Jelica D., Vrvic Miroslav M. The potential application of the fungus Trichoderma harzianum Rifai in biodegradation of detergent and industry. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly , 21 (2015), pp. 131-139. DOI: 10.2298 / CICEQ140414017J ISSN: 1451-9372