
Business & Management Experts

Violeta Todorović

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Violeta Todorović was born on January 29, 1972. in Krusevac. She finished elementary school in Padež, as the holder of the Vuk's diploma, and the secondary economic school in Kruševac, also as the holder of the Vuk's diploma. Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac enrolled in the school year 1991/92. and graduated in Finance and Accounting in 1996, with an average grade of 9.32, as a student of a generation. The diploma paper in the Organization and Business of Banks, dealing with the topic "Shares and bonds as instruments of the capital market" was defended on August 30, 1996. year, with grade 10. After completing regular studies, school year 1996/97. She enrolled postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, Monetary, Banking and Financial Management. All the exams envisaged by the curriculum of this course passed with an average grade of 9.87. On February 13, 2003, the unanimous decision of the Expert Commission defended the master thesis under the title "Theoretical and methodological problems of testing the financial performances of banks". The doctoral dissertation under the heading "Bank regulation and banking crisis" was defended on 31.01.2011. at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac. Worked at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac in November 1997. To the title of an assistant-trainee on the subject Organization and business of banks was selected on November 10, 1997. In June 2003 she was selected as an assistant in the same subject, and in July 2008 she was re-elected as an assistant in the Organization and Business of Banks and Banking. In June 2011, she was elected as a senior lecturer in the field of Finance, Financial Institutions and Insurance - Banking. Author and co-author of a number of scientific and professional papers. She participated in international and domestic conferences. She has achieved remarkable results in working with students, as evidenced by student survey results. .

Research Interest

Electronic payment systems, Risk Management of Financial Institutions, Banking management, Electronic banking

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