
Business & Management Experts

Vladan Ivanović

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Vladan Ivanovic was born on February 22, 1981. in Kragujevac, where he finished elementary school and Second Kragujevac Gymnasium with great success. Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Department of General Economy, graduated as a student of the generation, 07.07.2005. year, with an average score of 9.76. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, in direction of Theory and Policy of Economic Development, with an average grade of 10.00. The master thesis titled "Contemporary concept of the public sector and its role in achieving stability and efficiency of the functioning of the national economy" was defended on December 25, 2009. years. He defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Theoretical and methodological analysis of institutional factors of economic growth - evaluation of transitional economies" at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac on April 25. 2014. In 2011, she completed her doctoral dissertation at the University Hohenheim in Germany under the title "Possibilities of Transplantation of Institutions of the Social Market Economy in Transition Economies" (Die Übertragbarkeit der Institutionen der Sozial Marktwirtschaft auf Transformationsländer). During the basic and postgraduate studies he was awarded numerous awards and scholarships (Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, City Assembly of Kragujevac - Dragoslav Srejović Fund, Norwegian Prize, European Movement in Serbia, Serbian Union Congress - Studenica Foundation, Serbian National Defense - Mihajlo Pupin Fund, Konrad Adenauer Foundation). He completed his doctoral dissertation at the Universität Hohenheim University in Germany under the title "Possibilities of Transplantation of Institutions of the Social Market Economy in Transition Economies" (Die Übertragbarkeit der Institutionen der Sozial Marktwirtschaft auf Transformationsländer). During the basic and postgraduate studies he was awarded numerous awards and scholarships (Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, City Assembly of Kragujevac - Dragoslav Srejović Fund, Norwegian Prize, European Movement in Serbia, Serbian Union Congress - Studenica Foundation, Serbian National Defense - Mihajlo Pupin Fund, Konrad Adenauer Foundation). He completed his doctoral dissertation at the Universität Hohenheim University in Germany under the title "Possibilities of Transplantation of Institutions of the Social Market Economy in Transition Economies" (Die Übertragbarkeit der Institutionen der Sozial Marktwirtschaft auf Transformationsländer). During the basic and postgraduate studies he was awarded numerous awards and scholarships (Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, City Assembly of Kragujevac - Dragoslav Srejović Fund, Norwegian Prize, European Movement in Serbia, Serbian Union Congress - Studenica Foundation, Serbian National Defense - Mihajlo Pupin Fund, Konrad Adenauer Foundation).

Research Interest

Public Sector Economy, Comparative economic systems, Institutional economy

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