
Veterinary Sciences Experts

Vladimir M. Dosković

University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


Primary school and gymnasium are finished in Prijepolje. He studied in the general direction of the Faculty of Agriculture in Cacak in 1993 and completed it on September 14, 1998. year with average grade 9.23. For his excellent success during his studies, he was awarded twice a university degree in the University of Kragujevac. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Cacak on 22.12.2006. year with the theme " In the zeolite for production characteristics and economics of fattening cattle " and obtained the title Master of Biotechnical Sciences - area Physiology and nutrition of domestic animals. Doctoral dissertation titled "The influence of different levels of protein in food on production and quality of chicken meat in fattening", he defended at the Faculty of Agriculture, Kosovska Mitrovica-Zubin Potok-Lešak, University of Prishtina, November 12, 2013, and received a scientific title of Doctor of Biotechnical Sciences , Zootechnical area.At the Faculty of Agriculture in Cacak, University of Kragujevac, he was employed on October 13, 1998. until today.

Research Interest

 Veterinary science


  • Dosković V., Bogosavljević-BoÅ¡ković Snežana, Pavlovski Zlatica, MiloÅ¡ević B., Å krbić Zdenka, Radonjac S., Petričević V. (2012): Effect of protease on productive and slaughter traits in broiler chickens. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Vol. 28 (4), 817-826.

  • Bogosavljević-BoÅ¡ković Snežana, Rakonjac S., Dosković V., Petrović D.M. (2012): Broiler rearing systems: a rewiew of major fattening results and meat quality traits. World’s Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 68, june 2012, number 2, 217-228. ISSN 0043- 9449

  • Dosković V., Bogosavljević-BoÅ¡ković Snežana, Pavlovski Zlatica, MiloÅ¡ević B., Å krbić Zdenka, Rakonjac S., Petričević V. (2013): Enzymes in broiler diets with special reference to protease. World’s Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 69, june 2013, number 2, 343-359. ISSN 0043-9339

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