Vladimir Ranković
Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro
He was born on March 10, 1977. in Kragujevac. Secondary school, the First Kragujevac Gymnasium in Kragujevac, finished as the holder of the Vuk Karadzic diploma. He completed (2002) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, direction for Automatic Control, with an average grade of 9.51. He received the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences at the Center for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research at the University of Kragujevac in 2007. In the period 2002-2008. he was engaged as a research associate at the Center for Scientific Research at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the University of Kragujevac. He participated in a number of national and international projects within eminent scientific institutions, including Harvard University in Boston. He co-authored a large number of papers published in scientific journals in the field of information technology and computer modeling. In 2013, the title of Associate Professor for the Senior Scientific Field of Statistics and Informatics, in Information Technology and Database, was selected.
Research Interest
Information technology, Database, Business Intelligence