
Business & Management Experts

Vlastimir Leković

Faculty of Economics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro


He was born on January 29, 1955. in Radoja, municipality of Nova Varos. He finished elementary school in Radoja, and a gymnasium in Nova Varos. At the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade, a department in Kragujevac, graduated in 1979 with an average grade of 8.20. During the basic studies, he was a scholar of the University of Kragujevac. Postgraduate studies, Department of General Theoretical Economics, finished at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade with an average grade of 9.67. The master thesis under the heading Marxist learning about the economic functions of the state in the transitional period was defended in 1989. Doctoral dissertation entitled The Place and the role of the state in creating an efficient and stable economic system - comparative analysisDefended in 1997 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. Speaks and serves Russian. After completing his basic studies, he worked at the Nikola Tesla Education Center in Batocina as a professor of a group of economic subjects. He works at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac from 04.02.1981. years. In 1998 he was elected Assistant Professor at the Contemporary Economic Philosophy and Politics , and in 2004 he was elected associate professor at Comparative Economic Systems . The title of the full professor, in the teaching disciplines Comparative Economic Systems and Public Sector Economics , was elected on 03.11.2014. years. At the basic academic studies, she is teaching in teaching disciplines Comparative Economic Systems and Public Sector Economics . At the postgraduate studies of the Faculty, he conducted teaching in the teaching discipline Methodology of Scientific Research . At the master academic studies, he is engaged in conducting classes on teaching methods Methodology of Scientific Research and Institutional Economics . At the doctoral studies, he teaches at the course of the Market Regulation Policy , and by 2012, he also conducted teaching at the teaching subject Macromenadment . In the past work as a teacher, he was a mentor and member of a number of commissions for the evaluation and defense of diploma and master theses at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, Belgrade and Nis. In the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation, in the capacity of a member of the commission, Mentor participated in the assessment of the suitability of candidates and the topic for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation and in the evaluation and defense of the doctoral dissertation at the economic faculties in Kragujevac and Niš.

Research Interest

Public Sector Economy, Comparative economic systems, Institutional economy

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