
Neurology Experts

Mitchell K P Lai

National university of Singapore


Mitchell K P Lai received BSc from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1995 and PhD from the Department of Pharmacology, University of Sydney, Australia in 2003. From 2003-2009, he was Principal Research Scientist with the Dept. of Clinical Research, Singapore General Hospital. First he joined in the National University of Singapore (NUS) as a Research Fellow in 2010, then Research Assistant Professor in 2011 under the Memory, Aging and Cognition Centre. In 2012, he joined in NUS in the Dept. Pharmacology as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include neurochemistry of dementia, “Omics” and molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration. Mitchell K P Lai received BSc from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1995 and PhD from the Department of Pharmacology, University of Sydney, Australia in 2003. From 2003-2009, he was Principal Research Scientist with the Dept. of Clinical Research, Singapore General Hospital. First he joined in the National University of Singapore (NUS) as a Research Fellow in 2010, then Research Assistant Professor in 2011 under the Memory, Aging and Cognition Centre. In 2012, he joined in NUS in the Dept. Pharmacology as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include neurochemistry of dementia, “Omics” and molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration.

Research Interest

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy body

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