Teo Chung Piaw
Provost Chair, Professor
Analytics & Operations
National University of Singapore
1996   Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Ph.D. in Operations Research, 1990   National University of Singapore, Bachelor of Science (Hon) in Mathematics, 2007â€Â    Professor, NUS Business School, NUS, 2001â€2007    Associate Professor, NUS Business School, NUS, 2004â€2005  Professor of Decision Sciences, SKK Graduate School of Business (South Korea), 2001â€2002  Johnson and Johnson Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management, NUS, 1998â€2000    Assistant Professor, NUS Business School, NUS, 1996â€1998    Lecturer, NUS Business School, NUS, 2011 Julyâ€Â   Head of Department, Department of Decision Sciences, NUS Business School, 2010 Janâ€Â 2011 May  Acting Deputy Dean, NUS Business School, 2008 Julyâ€Â 2009 Dec  Viceâ€Dean (Research), NUS Business School, 2008 Janâ€Â 2009 Dec  Director (PhD Program), NUS Business School
Research Interest
Optimisation Under Uncertainty, Optimisaiton Uncertainty, Discrete Choice, Supply Chain Management, Social Choice, Combinatorial Optimisation, Invention Theory, Operations Research
Resource Pooling and Allocation Policies to Deliver Differentiated Service, with Zhong Y, Zheng Z and Chou, Mabel (2016), Management Science
Appointment sequencing: Why the smallest-variance-first rule may bot be optimal, with Kong Q X, Lee C Y and Zheng Z C (2016), European Journal of Operational Research, 255(3), 809-821