
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Lucia Mokrá

Social & Economic Sciences
Comenius University


Lucia MokráGraduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (2003). She has also completed her law degree at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (2006). At the labeled faculties, she went on to study and successfully completed a rigorous study, so she was awarded the Doctor of Law degrees and a Doctor of Philosophy. In her scientific and pedagogical activities, she continued her studies at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Economics of Comenius University in Bratislava. In the course of her research assignment at the Department of State Law at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Bratislava, she successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Civil Society Development in Slovakia and the Perspectives of its Development in a European Context" and was awarded the title "philosophiae doctor". He is the author of many scientific papers, articles and publications and teaching texts at home and abroad. Lucia Mokrá has been actively involved in, and continues to be involved in, the management of many scientific research projects (ESF, Jean Monnet, APVV) in the field of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. Professional articles and publications and teaching texts at home and abroad. Lucia Mokrá has been actively involved in, and continues to be involved in, the management of many scientific research projects (ESF, Jean Monnet, APVV) in the field of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. Professional articles and publications and teaching texts at home and abroad. Lucia Mokrá has been actively involved in, and continues to be involved in, the management of many scientific research projects (ESF, Jean Monnet, APVV) in the field of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. Lucia Mokrá has been actively involved in, and continues to be involved in, the management of many scientific research projects (ESF, Jean Monnet, APVV) in the field of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. Lucia Mokrá has been actively involved in, and continues to be involved in, the management of many scientific research projects (ESF, Jean Monnet, APVV) in the field of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. APVV) from the point of view of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. APVV) from the point of view of European law, both in terms of its institutional construction and application practice. Its primary interests are the areas of state law, constitutional law, common law, community law (particularly the agenda of decision-making processes and horizontal reallocation of competences), public and private international law. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge. Actively lectures at several universities abroad (Great Britain, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey). She is a graduate of the "Diploma in a Introduction to English and European Union Law", organized by the University of Cambridge.

Research Interest

European law

Global Experts from Slovakia

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