Zoltán Tomori
Department of Medical Physiology
Pavol Jozef Safarik University
Zoltán Tomori Is a Professor in the Department of Medical Physiology at Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia
Research Interest
Medical Physiology
Karen, Petr, et al. "Threeâ€dimensional computer reconstruction of large tissue volumes based on composing series of highâ€resolution confocal images by GlueMRC and LinkMRC software." Microscopy research and technique 62.5 (2003): 415-422.
Vasilenko, Tomáš, et al. "The effect of equal daily dose achieved by different power densities of low-level laser therapy at 635 and 670 nm on wound tensile strength in rats: a short report." Photomedicine and laser surgery 28.2 (2010): 281-283.
Korpáš, Juraj, and Zoltán Tomori. Cough and other respiratory reflexes. S. Karger, 1979.