
Biochemistry Experts

Aleksander Recnik

senior scientist
Department of Nanostructured Materials
Jozef Stefan Institute


Prof. Aleksander Recnik, working as a scientist in Department of Nanostructured Materials, Jozef Stefan Institute

Research Interest

Atomic-scale investigation of polytypic phase transitions, twinning, epitaxy, nucleation of planar faults Atomic structure & chemistry of twin boundaries, inversion boundaries, antiphase boundaries, low-angle tilt grain boundaries; special grain boundaries and their relation to exaggerated and anisotropic crystal growth Microstructure development.


  • Zagar K, Recnik A, Ajayan PM, Ceh M. Oriented cube-on-cube nanocrystal assembly of SrTiO3 tubules. Nanotechnology. 2010 Sep;21(37):375605-.

  • Walther T, Wolf F, Recnik A, Mader W. Quantitative microstructural and spectroscopic investigation of inversion domain boundaries in sintered zinc oxide ceramics doped with iron oxide: Dedicated to Professor Dr. Knut Urban on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 2006;97(7):934-42.

  • Rajic N, Stojakovic D, Daneu N, Recnik A. The formation of oxide nanoparticles on the surface of natural clinoptilolite. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2011 Jun 30;72(6):800-3.

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