Andrej Jerman BlažiÄ
Young researcher
Department of Open Computer Systems and Networks
Jozef Stefan Institute
Dr. Andrej Jerman BlažiÄ is currently working as a Young researcher in the Department of Department of Open Computer Systems and Networks , Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.
Research Interest
Computer Engineering, Communication Engineering, Engineering Education
Jerman BlažiÄ A, Džonova Jerman BlažiÄ B. Exploring and upgrading the educational business-game taxonomy. Journal of educational computing research. 2015 Jun;52(3):303-40.
Blazic AJ, Ribeiro C, Fernandes J, Pereira J, Arh T. Analysing the required properties of business simulation games to be used in e-learning and education. Intelligent Information Management. 2012 Nov 1;4(6):348.
Callanan C, Jerman-BlažiÄ B, BlažiÄ AJ. User awareness and tolerance of privacy abuse on mobile Internet: An exploratory study. Telematics and informatics. 2016 Feb 29;33(1):109-28.