Andrej Trkov
Head of Reactor Physics Division
Department of Reactor Physics
Jozef Stefan Institute
Assistant Professor at the University of Ljubljana, teaching at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Ljubljana and at the Faculty of Power Engineering at the University of Maribor
Research Interest
The main areas of research are reactor calculations (including software development for nuclear core design calculations of light-water reactors), nuclear data evaluation and validation, preparation of application libraries from evaluated nuclear data files and various services to the Krško Nuclear Power Plant.
Trkov A, Capote R. Validation of 232Th evaluated nuclear data through benchmark experiments. InProc. of the Inter. Conf. on Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2006 2006 (pp. 18-21).
Trkov A, Aldama DL. Definition of pseudo fission product data for reactor calculations. Nuclear Energy in Central Europe. 1999 Sep 6;99:57-62.
Snoj L, Trkov A, Ravnik M. Testing of cross section libraries for Triga criticality benchmark. InProceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2007) 2007 (Vol. 2, pp. 46-49).
Podvratnik M, Snoj L, Trkov A, Žerovnik G. Calculations to support absolute thermal power calibration of the Slovenian TRIGA Mark II reactor. InProc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2011 Sep 12 (pp. 408-1).