
Engineering Experts

Bojan Cestnik

Department of Knowledge Technologies
Jozef Stefan Institute


Dr. Bojan Cestnik is currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.  

Research Interest

"Engineering Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering Data Mining Information Systems (Business Informatics) Signal, Image and Video Processing Genetic Engineering Information and Communication Technologymputer Interaction, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence"  


  • Cestnik B, Fabbretti E, Gubiani D, Urbančič T, Lavrač N. Reducing the Search Space in Literature-Based Discovery by Exploring Outlier Documents: a Case Study in Finding Links Between Gut Microbiome and Alzheimer’s Disease. Genomics and Computational Biology. 2017 May 11;3(3):58.

  • Macedoni Luksic M, Urbancic T, Petric I, Cestnik B. Autism research dynamic through ontology-based text mining. Advances in Autism. 2016 Jul 4;2(3):131-9.

  • Gubiani D, Fabbretti E, Cestnik B, Lavrač N, Urbančič T. Outlier based literature exploration for cross-domain linking of Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbiota. Expert Systems with Applications. 2017 Nov 1;85:386-96.

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