Borut Sluban
Department of Knowledge Technologies
Jozef Stefan Institute
Borut Sluban is currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.
Research Interest
Data Mining
Sluban B, Gamberger D, Lavra N. Advances in class noise detection. InProceedings of the 2010 conference on ECAI 2010: 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2010 Aug 4 (pp. 1105-1106). IOS Press.
Sluban B, Gamberger D, LavraÄ N. Ensemble-based noise detection: noise ranking and visual performance evaluation. Data mining and knowledge discovery. 2014 Mar 1;28(2):265-303.
Novak PK, Smailović J, Sluban B, MozetiÄ I. Sentiment of emojis. PloS one. 2015 Dec 7;10(12):e0144296.