
Engineering Experts

Damjan Bojadžiev

Department of Artificial Intelligence
Jozef Stefan Institute


 Dr. Damjan Bojadžiev is currently working as a researcher in the Department of Department of Artificial Intelligence , Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.

Research Interest

Logic, Logic and Foundations of Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence  


  • Bojadžiev D, Gams M. Addendum to “Sloman's view of Gödel's sentence”. Artificial intelligence. 1998 Jan 1;98(1-2):363-5.

  • Bojadžiev D. Davidson's Semantics and Computational Understanding of Language. Grazer Philosophische Studien. 1989 Mar 1;36:133-9.

  • Bojadžiev D. Sloman's view of Gödel's sentence. Artificial intelligence. 1995 Apr 1;74(2):389-93.

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