Franc Novak
Department of Computer System
Jozef Stefan Institute
Dr. Franc Novak is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Department of Computer System, Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.
Research Interest
Computer Security and Reliability, Computer Architecture, Human-computer Interaction
Legat U, Biasizzo A, Novak F. SEU recovery mechanism for SRAM-based FPGAs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2012 Oct;59(5):2562-71.
Zarnik MS, Novak F, MaÄek S. Design of oscillation-based test structures for active RC filters. IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices and Systems. 2000 Oct 1;147(5):297-302.
Žužek A, Biasizzo A, Novak F. Sequential diagnosis tool. Microprocessors and microsystems. 2000 Aug 1;24(4):191-7.