
Engineering Experts

Gregor Leban

Department of Artificial Intelligence
Jozef Stefan Institute


Dr. Gregor Leban is currently working as a researcher in the Department of Department of Artificial Intelligence , Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.  

Research Interest

Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Cell Biology  


  • Mramor M, Leban G, DemÅ¡ar J, Zupan B. Visualization-based cancer microarray data classification analysis. Bioinformatics. 2007 Jun 22;23(16):2147-54.

  • Curk T, Demsar J, Xu Q, Leban G, Petrovic U, Bratko I, Shaulsky G, Zupan B. Microarray data mining with visual programming. Bioinformatics. 2004 Aug 12;21(3):396-8.

  • DemÅ¡ar J, Zupan B, Leban G, Curk T. Orange: From experimental machine learning to interactive data mining. Knowledge discovery in databases: PKDD 2004. 2004:537-9.

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