
Engineering Experts

Inna Novalija

Department of Artificial Intelligence
Jozef Stefan Institute


Dr. Inna Novalija is currently working as a researcher in the Department of Department of Artificial Intelligence , Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.  

Research Interest

Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures, Information Systems (Business Informatics)  


  • Novalija I, Mladenič D. Ontology extension towards analysis of business news. Informatica. 2010;34(4).

  • Novalija I, Mladenić D. Applying semantic technology to business news analysis. Applied Artificial Intelligence. 2013 Jul 3;27(6):520-50.

  • Leban G, Dali L, Novalija I. Enabling Semantic Search in Large Open Source Communities. InExtended Semantic Web Conference 2012 May 27 (pp. 291-300). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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