Bioinformatics & Systems Biology

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Jan Babič

Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics
Jozef Stefan Institute


I am a Senior Researcher at "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Slovenia and an Associate Professor at Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Slovenia. I received my Ph.D. from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University in Ljubljana examining the role of biarticular muscles in human locomotion. During the years 2006/2007 I was a visiting researcher at ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Japan. In November 2014 I was a visiting professor at The Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics, University of Pierre and Marie Curie in France.  

Research Interest

My current research is particularly concerned with the understanding how human brain controls movement of the body. A main focus of my research is to understand how the central nervous system process sensory information and transfer them to motor commands. I am especially interested in robustness and adaptations of the movements to the changing environment  


  • Padois V, Ivaldi S, Babič J, Mistry M, Peters J, Nori F. Whole-body multi-contact motion in humans and humanoids: Advances of the CoDyCo European project. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2017 Apr 30;90:97-117.

  • Frelih NG, Podlesek A, Babič J, GerÅ¡ak G. Evaluation of psychological effects on human postural stability. Measurement. 2017 Feb 28;98:186-91.

  • Peternel L, Petrič T, Babič J. Robotic assembly solution by human-in-the-loop teaching method based on real-time stiffness modulation. Autonomous Robots. 2017:1-7.

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