Ljudmila Benedik
Laboratory for radiochemistry
Jozef Stefan Institute
Dr. Ljudmila Benedik is currently working as a ljudmila.benedik@ijs.si in the Department of Laboratory for radiochemistry, Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.
Research Interest
"Engineering Radiochemistry Uranium"
Byrne AR, Benedik L. Determination of uranium at trace levels by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis employing radioisotopic yield evaluation. Talanta. 1988 Mar 1;35(3):161-6.
JakopiÄ R, Richter S, Kühn H, Benedik L, Pihlar B, Aregbe Y. Isotope ratio measurements of pg-size plutonium samples using TIMS in combination with “multiple ion counting†and filament carburization. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2009 Jan 15;279(2):87-92.
Byrne AR, Benedik L. Uranium content of blood, urine and hair of exposed and non-exposed persons determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis, with emphasis on quality control. Science of the total environment. 1991 Sep 30;107:143-57.