Natasa Kopitar-jerala
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jozef Stefan Institute
Dr. Natasa Kopitar-Jerala completed phD in 1997 from Natasa Kopitar-Jerala. She is working as professor in Jozef Stefan Institute
Research Interest
Immune system, macrophage activation and regulation of proteinase activity, inflammation, oxidative stress, immune response to viruses
Konjar Å , Sutton VR, Hoves S, Repnik U, Yagita H, Reinheckel T, Peters C, Turk V, Turk B, Trapani JA, Kopitarâ€Jerala N. Human and mouse perforin are processed in part through cleavage by the lysosomal cysteine proteinase cathepsin L. Immunology. 2010 Oct 1;131(2):257-67.
Kopitar-Jerala N, Schweiger A, Myers RM, Turk V, Turk B. Sensitization of stefin Bâ€deficient thymocytes towards staurosporinâ€induced apoptosis is independent of cysteine cathepsins. FEBS letters. 2005 Apr 11;579(10):2149-55.
Maher K, ZavrÅ¡nik J, JeriÄ-Kokelj B, Vasiljeva O, Turk B, Kopitar-Jerala N. Decreased ILâ€10 expression in stefin Bâ€deficient macrophages is regulated by the MAP kinase and STATâ€3 signaling pathways. FEBS letters. 2014 Mar 3;588(5):720-6.
Kopitar-Jerala N. The role of cystatins in cells of the immune system. FEBS letters. 2006 Nov 27;580(27):6295-301.