Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology Experts

Natasa Kopitar-jerala

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jozef Stefan Institute


Dr. Natasa Kopitar-Jerala completed phD in 1997 from Natasa Kopitar-Jerala. She is working as professor in Jozef Stefan Institute

Research Interest

Immune system, macrophage activation and regulation of proteinase activity, inflammation,  oxidative stress, immune response to viruses


  • Konjar Å , Sutton VR, Hoves S, Repnik U, Yagita H, Reinheckel T, Peters C, Turk V, Turk B, Trapani JA, Kopitar‐Jerala N. Human and mouse perforin are processed in part through cleavage by the lysosomal cysteine proteinase cathepsin L. Immunology. 2010 Oct 1;131(2):257-67.

  • Kopitar-Jerala N, Schweiger A, Myers RM, Turk V, Turk B. Sensitization of stefin B‐deficient thymocytes towards staurosporin‐induced apoptosis is independent of cysteine cathepsins. FEBS letters. 2005 Apr 11;579(10):2149-55.

  • Maher K, ZavrÅ¡nik J, Jerič-Kokelj B, Vasiljeva O, Turk B, Kopitar-Jerala N. Decreased IL‐10 expression in stefin B‐deficient macrophages is regulated by the MAP kinase and STAT‐3 signaling pathways. FEBS letters. 2014 Mar 3;588(5):720-6.

  • Kopitar-Jerala N. The role of cystatins in cells of the immune system. FEBS letters. 2006 Nov 27;580(27):6295-301.

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