Nerea Sebastián Ugarteche
Jozef Stefan Institute
DR. Nerea Sebastián Ugarteche working as Researcher in Department of COMPLEX MATTER, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.
Research Interest
Complex matter, Physics
Sebastián N, Belau S, Eremin A, Alaasar M, Prehm M, Tschierske C. Emergence of polar order and tilt in terephthalate based bent-core liquid crystals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(8):5895-905.
Sebastián N, Robles-Hernández B, Diez-Berart S, Salud J, Luckhurst GR, Dunmur DA, López DO, de la Fuente MD. Distinctive dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal dimers. Liquid Crystals. 2017 Jan 2;44(1):177-90.
Appel I, Nádasi H, Reitz C, Sebastián N, Hahn H, Eremin A, Stannarius R, Behrens SS. Doping of nematic cyanobiphenyl liquid crystals with mesogen-hybridized magnetic nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(19):12127-35.
SebastiaÌn N. Physical Properties of Liquid Crystal Dimers: Calamitics and Bent-Shaped (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D. Thesis. University of the Basque Country: Bilbao, Spain).