Bioinformatics & Systems Biology

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Tadej Debevec

Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics
Jozef Stefan Institute


 I am a research associate at “Jozef Stefan” Institute and an assistant professor at Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. I received my Ph.D. in 2011 for the work on different altitude/hypoxic & hyperoxic training modalities and their effects on athletic performance. During 2013/2014 I was a Post-doctoral fellow at University of Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Human Biology, UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine.

Research Interest

"Oxygen/ambient pressure manipulations for enhancing performance - Interactions of hypoxia and inactivity - Metabolic effect of altitude/hypoxic exposures - Preacclimatization strategies for altitude acclimation - Effects of hypoxia/hypobaria in vulnerable populations"  


  • Debevec T, Amon M, Keramidas ME, Kounalakis SN, PiÅ¡ot R, Mekjavic IB. Normoxic and hypoxic performance following 4 weeks of normobaric hypoxic training. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. 2010 Apr 1;81(4):387-93.

  • Debevec T, Pialoux V, Mekjavic IB, Eiken O, Mury P, Millet GP. Moderate exercise blunts oxidative stress induced by normobaric hypoxic confinement. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2014 Jan 1;46(1):33-41.

  • Gams A, Petrič T, Debevec T, Babič J. Effects of robotic knee exoskeleton on human energy expenditure. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2013 Jun;60(6):1636-44.

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